Register below and get full participants' benefits!
By linking your LinkedIn account, you will be able to access the event virtually without using your user and password. Remember linking it before fiiling in the form so you keep all information you added.
Important! To complete the linking process you must save the profile. Go to save.
Email *
Confirm email *
Prefix *
Last name *
The last name should be written in capital letters
Name *
Choose from the below profiles *
Type *
Job title *
Are you actively searching for a new job? *
CV - Luxury professional *
Type of student *
School / Institution *
Academic Year *
Are you open to work? *
CV - Student from partnered school *
School / Institution
Academic Year *
Are you open to work? *
CV - Student from non-partnered school *
Company Name
Would you like to join Excellence by Vendôm for recruitment purposes? *
Please choose your audience (one or more) for one-to-one interviews: *
Luxury Professionals
Organisation *
Job title *
I accept the terms and conditions and the privacy policy. *
The form has been submitted successfully
Payment correctly processed.
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